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Access VAL Training with a bursary


Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL) is pleased to offer bursaries for training courses. Bursaries are available for courses provided by VAL, to organisations or groups in Leeds with an annual income of less than £20,000 per year.

Bursaries are limited to Leeds-based groups. Organisations with an approved bursary can attend up to three training courses within any 12 month period using the bursary, after which training courses will be chargeable (in very exceptional circumstances, and with prior approval, the number of training courses may be increased).

The training bursaries cover the full course fees and are limited to two people per organisation, per course.

If you are not able to attend the training course for any reason (i.e. illness, or other circumstances) please let us know as soon as possible. If you give us less than 14 days notice you will be charged the full course fee.


How to apply

To apply for a bursary subsidised place on your chosen VAL training course, please complete the training bursary application form below.

Return completed forms to VAL with supporting evidence of your group’s or organisation’s income (the evidence we will accept is given on the form).

Any questions?

If you have any queries about the VAL Training Bursary scheme please contact the training team on 0113 297 7920 or email


Apply for VAL training bursary by completing this form and returning it to us

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