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Could you do with some keen minds to look at an aspect of your business for you?

Added: 09/04/2024

Arden University

Arden University are looking for local organisations in Leeds who would like a group of eager students to undertake a short business research project for them.

Projects like this are essential to help our students gain confidence and professional communication and teamworking skills, but they can also benefit local businesses and charities by having fresh eyes address a business challenge for them.

Would you like to receive fresh (and free) insights and innovative ideas to enhance your business or charity?

Here at Arden University, we deliver virtual employability programmes which connect businesses with teams of students through live consulting projects. Through the programme a team of 5-7 Arden students will commit a collective 150 hours (25hrs each) over 3-4 weeks starting in late May to conduct research on a challenge or area of opportunity for your organisation and will present their findings to you in a tailored research report.

How does it work?

  1. Fill in a project brief (we provide a template; you simply fill in the details relevant to you)
  2. We will review your brief and advise whether it is suitable, giving guidance if needed.
  3. We will assign a team to you and set up a briefing call.
  4. You’ll attend the virtual briefing session and meet your team to talk through your brief.
  5. Then the commitment is a maximum of 1 hour per week (for the 3 weeks) to provide online feedback to steer the team’s work and ensure they are heading in the right direction for you.

It’s free to take part and no office space is required as the project is entirely virtual.


Project Briefs – There are three choices of project brief to choose from in this round:

  • Growth Strategy. Identify new marketing, product, technology, competitor, partner, funding or customer growth trends and opportunities.
  • Sustainable Impact. Research practical options to help you grow your business sustainably and to enhance your organisation’s social or environmental impact.
  • Digital Marketing. Students will assess your current use of social media channels and develop a social media strategy and action plan.

The programme delivery dates for this year are 20th May 2024 to 9th June 2024 and we are inviting businesses and charities to submit project briefs now!

Interested but want to know more?

Contact our careers team via:

Arden University

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