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"Interesting. Vulnerable. Community" These are the words Tessa uses to describe her volunteering role...   Tessa finds her volunteering role very interesting.  As an Anti-stigma Champion, she reaches out to communities to talk...
A young woman looks upwards, smiling. Her name is Lizzie
Experience – Learning - Connected Lizzie is a huge advocate for volunteering and this began in her recent experience of volunteering oversees. Lizzie’s main motivation for volunteering is to gain experience while she’s...
A man is looking proud. He is smiling and wearing sports clothes. His name is Adel
“Giving back to the community, helping others and giving them that opportunity” For Adel Chermiti volunteering was something he jumped into with both feet, using his love for football as a way to...
An older man in a baseball cap stands in a cemetery next to a wheelbarrow
“Suckered into it” Not necessarily the most glowing review for the beginning of someone’s journey with volunteering, but Graham’s story at Farsley Rehoboth shows how volunteering can creep up on you and become...
A young woman with bobbed brown hair is smiling. Her name is Anna
“Rewarding, challenging, community” Anna is a volunteer for the Youth Justice Service, she works with young people as a way to keep them away from custody after they have committed a crime. With...
Helping, Creative and Confidence are the three words Waqas used to describe his volunteering experience. Waqas was a volunteer for Community Champions.  He helped to translate health messages relating to Covid-19 and in his...
An older couple stand together. They are called Ann and Tony
“Useful and enjoyable” - “something to do” For Ann and Tony volunteering is something to do, as rather altruistically described by Tony, whilst being more than that, Tony went on to tell me...
A young man smiles in front of a sparkly background. His name is Heathcliff
Heathcliff is a student and a volunteer. He volunteers for a charity that offers mentors to young people wanting to access higher education. Heathcliff as a mentor has meetings with his Mentee on...
A woman is smiling, sitting on a sofa. She has long, wavy, brown hair
“Aspirational, satisfying, needed” “There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing someone smile when you’ve helped” - Suzanne is a volunteer coordinator, who began her career by volunteering for Leeds Bosom Buddies. They run hospital...
“Character improvement, confidence and motivation” Sherin’s volunteering has been a way for her to get out of her comfort zone and push herself to try new things. She described to me how she...
A man wearing a green t-shirt smiles. He’s stood in front of St James Hospital. His name is Mike
“Rewarding, thought provoking, challenging” Mike volunteers within St James’ hospital as a part of the Leeds Way Welcome team. He spends time greeting and directing patients as they enter and navigate around the...
An older couple stand together, they are wearing high vis jackets
“Community, Camaraderie and Friends” That’s how Lynda and Paul described their experience of volunteering to me, quickly followed by Paul describing how it’s kept them active “physically and probably more importantly mentally”. The...
An older couple stand next to each other, they are wearing high vis jackets and are smiling
“Give something back” Johnathan and Christine, like Paul and Lynda first started volunteering at Farsley Rehoboth due to a family connection with the graveyard, but it’s become so much more than that. They...
An older woman with grey hair stands in a garden she’s smiling. Her name is Vivienne and she volunteers for Beeston in Bloom
“Therapeutic, useful, enjoyable” “I’ve always been interested in gardening, and I love where I live, I’ve lived in Beeston for 84 years, and I'm fond of it so I like to do something...
A woman in a blue coat sits on a bench. Her name is Linda and she volunteers for Beeston in Bloom
“Rewarding, friendship, community” The logo for Beeston in Bloom is “promote community pride”, they aim to improve their local area through gardening. Linda told me about the “precious green space” that Cross Flatts...
A man with blue hair stands in front of an orange wall. His name is Leroy and he volunteers for Battle Scars
“learning”, “socialising” and “compassionate” are the three words Leroy Ivanov used to describe his experience volunteering. Leroy volunteers for Battle Scars, a charity the supports people who self harm, their volunteers have all...
A photo of a person with brown hair wearing a blue t-shirt and smiling
For Ellie, volunteering is about getting involved in communities and being a part of building their own community. It’s also a way for them to feel empowered by contributing to causes they care...
An older man with grey hair sits on a bench. He’s wearing a blue jumper and green gardening gloves
“making people happy” For John volunteering is about the joy and satisfaction he gets from doing the gardening work he loves and from other people enjoying and complementing the spaces he works so...
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