Everything you need to know to #GetGrowingLeeds this Earth Day
Added: 17/04/2023
Voluntary Action Leeds
This Earth Day, we are encouraging everyone to #getgrowingleeds and try growing something, even if it’s for the first time! Here at Voluntary Action Leeds, we wanted to highlight some of the fantastic food-growing initiatives across Leeds and ways for you to get involved.
Seed libraries and Little Veg Libraries (LVL)
Seed libraries are places where people drop off seeds that they no longer need, so that other people can have and use them for free. Some libraries share seedlings, surplus locally-grown veg, recipes and even compost!
Find your nearest seed or little veg library here:
View the full map
There are lots of growers’ Facebook groups that share free seeds in Leeds too, including:
Feed Leeds have a made a guide to creating a Little Veg Library stall to display your seeds and seedlings in your local area, including advice on design, materials and funding. If you set up a new library, contact Feed Leeds to be added to the map.
Feed Leeds guide to making a Little Veg Library
As well as seeds, you could also sow an extra row of veg seedlings to ‘harden-off’ and bring to a Little Veg Library. Here is a list of seedlings that people have asked for.
Tools and advice
Back to Front community group put together a useful guide to growing food in front gardens in Leeds.
Feed Leeds have a wide range of helpful videos on everything from growing tomatoes, to making a composter out of a wheelie bin.
You don’t need to invest in many tools to start growing – you really only need a trowel or fork, and a watering can.
You can borrow a wide range of garden tools for free or for a small donation from:
Buy Nowt LS6 Library of Things
LS10 and LS11 CRAP (Conserving Resources Associating People)
Local school gardens and allotments can also often give advice or lend out tools.
Where to grow
If you don’t have a garden of your own, there are lots of ways you can still try growing things. Indoor pots, window-boxes and courtyards are all good places to try growing herbs, salad leaves, tomatoes and more. We’re lucky to have so many community gardens all over the city where you can volunteer and grow your own (or community) fruit and vegetables. Here are just a few…
Feel Good Factor gardening group, Wednesdays 10.30 – 12 noon*, Chapeltown (LS7)
Meanwood Valley Urban Farm market garden volunteering group, Thursdays*, Meanwood (LS7)
Kirkstall Valley Community Farm – variety of volunteering opportunities
Gipton Growers at The Old Fire Station, Tuesdays 1.30-3.30 pm* Gipton (LS9)
Hyde Park Source gardening groups in Woodhouse, Chapeltown, Kirkstall and Armley
You could also explore the ‘Good to Grow’ Leeds map to find a local community garden near you, or look on the Incredible Edible map to find an edible community bed near you.
*Although details of these community garden groups were correct at the time of publishing, it’s always recommended that you contact organisers before volunteering at a session.
Voluntary Action Leeds