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Election 2024

You will be aware that a general election has been scheduled for Thursday 4th July 2024. 

Elections provide a crucial opportunity for the third sector to influence national government on things that we know impact communities in Leeds. We will have a stronger platform than usual in the period leading up to elections, and an opportunity to help shape policy and legislation of the next government. 

On this page, Third Sector Leeds (which is the overarching policy forum for the third sector in Leeds) will be publishing any material relating to the general election, as well as any responses we receive from local candidates.

TSL’s four key lobbying messages

In March 2024, TSL produced an outline of the four key messages the sector wanted local and national politicians to hear. TSL representatives met with Leeds MPs to share and discuss the messages, and we encourage members to make use of these.

TSL’s general election briefing 

This briefing is for third sector organisations, containing information and tools to encourage voter registration, support with key messages when speaking to local candidates and campaign do’s and don’ts in accordance with Charity Commission guidelines. 

TSL’s open letter to local candidates

TSL wrote to local candidates with our four key lobbying messages, asking them to pledge their support for the third sector, and tell us their plans to support the sector and communities:

Support and responses from local candidates

James Kendall, Reform UK candidate for Leeds South West and Morley

Chris Bell, Green Party candidate for Leeds South West and Morley: “I support all these aims. They are critical to a more equitable society which leaves nobody behind. A big investment in community housing is needed along with rent controls and a ban on Section 21 no fault evictions. Voluntary organisations need to be supported to continue the amazing work they do for vulnerable people.”

Louise Jenning, Green Party Candidate for Leeds North East

Ed Carisle, Green Party candidate for Leeds South:  “I’ve been closely involved in the life of the city’s community and voluntary sector for many years, and know the immense value it adds to our city. The Greens are committed not just to tweaking our social/welfare/housing systems, but wholesale transformation – to get us onto a par with the solidly social democratic nations of NW Europe. Yes to continuing the HSF and I’m particularly interested in community-led housing, community wealth building, innovation to reduce homelessness, and seriously rebooting mental health services.”

Fabian Hamilton, Labour Party candidate for Leeds North East

Chris Foren, Green Party candidate for Leeds Central & Headingley: “Third sector organisations are often the lifeblood of our communities. This is especially true when local council services are being ruthlessly cut.”

Mick Bradley, Green Party candidate for Leeds North West: “Elected Greens will campaign to increase: Universal Credit by £40/week, abolish 2 child benefit cap, etc. Green priority 150,000 new homes a year at low social rents, get estimated 1 million empty homes back into use. NHS funding would be increased at realistic level while protecting NHS from privatisation. Free personal care and better care through a career structure for carers”

Richard Burgon, Labour candidate for Leeds East: “These are issues on which I have strongly campaigned, both inside and outside of parliament, while serving as Leeds East MP. For example, I campaigned for the Government to extend the Household Support Fund and spoke in the parliamentary debate on this. If re-elected on July 4th, I will be more than happy to work both here in Leeds and down in parliament with Third Sector Leeds to further these demands.”

Pledge your support for the Third Sector in Leeds

 The Third Sector makes a massive contribution to our city. We have 6326 employees, 7960 trustees, an incredible 31,134 volunteers and an unparalleled reach into the communities we serve. But our sector faces huge challenges and risks shrinking further to the detriment of your voters, the people of Leeds.   

Third Sector Leeds is the body that works to hear and represent the views and experiences of our city’s estimated 3,175 voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations , we know what is needed in our communities. Based on this first-hand knowledge, our four asks of national Government are: 


1.     Tackle poverty: Household Support Fund must continue for at least a further year, and further investment in communities is urgently needed in the longer term to address the root causes of poverty. 


2.     Improve housing: Community-led housing and planning is central to moving out of the housing crisis and preventing homelessness. 


3.     Prioritise local: Limit the profit that private business can make from public money. 


4.     Prioritise the third sector: A stronger third sector prevents people living in poor health as they age. 


Please pledge your support by emailing back YES! and telling us what you and your party will do locally and nationally to address these issues to


We will publish all responses on the Doing Good Leeds website.  


We would be delighted to discuss these issues further with you. If you would like to meet representatives from Third Sector Leeds please contact to set up a meeting. 


Yours sincerely 




Kim Groves 

Independent Chair of Third Sector Leeds 

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