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Welcome Spaces Blog – Oblong

Added: 26/03/2025

Voluntary Action Leeds

Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL) is keen to highlight the good news stories coming through from the Leeds Welcome Spaces Scheme. This winter over 180 Third and Faith Sector organisations have opened their doors to the public to offer a safe, warm and welcoming space.

The next in our 2024/25 blog series features Oblong (Woodhouse Community Centre)

Personal stories from Oblong Breakfast Club regulars

(names have been changed)

Seb’s Story

S is one of our regulars at Breakfast club. He told us that he used to be a head chef, working for 40 years in a very stressful environment. He started drinking to relax and didn’t even notice that over time he had become an alcoholic. He decided in 2021 that he didn’t want to drink anymore. He went to Forward Leeds and they got him a place at St Anne’s where he stayed for 3 months to go through rehab. S told us that he is now 10 months sober. “My life is changed, I’m feeling amazing.” S told us that when he comes to Breakfast or Seva Lunch Club at Woodhouse Community Centre he feels more connected to the right people. “The place is amazing. Good atmosphere and very, very helpful.”

S also told us about the drink he makes himself to keep healthy. He uses ginger, lemon, parsley and orange (and sometimes celery) He boils these ingredients in 4 cups of water until he has just 2 cups of water left in the pan and then drinks this on an empty stomach.

David’s Story

David has been coming to breakfast club for a few weeks. He uses Woodhouse Community Centre to access the computers and the phone. He says the libraries are all hubs now so it can get too busy for him. “Everything’s thrown into one.” David prefers quiet places . “This is totally different. You can feel the atmosphere. It’s alright. I like coming here. I’m happy enough coming down here.”

David told us that he is an introvert so it can be hard for him to be in groups. He was homeless for 4 months after he lost his job and lost someone close to him and “it all went wrong”.  Although he met a couple of homeless people when he was homeless, most of the time he was on his own. “The hardest times were at teatime and at 3.00 in the morning when you wake up and realise you’ve got nowt.”

David has been housed now. He tries to avoid the city centre as he spent most of his time there when he was homeless and he feels he might get drawn back.

David really likes the cooked breakfast at Woodhouse Community Centre breakfast club and says that visiting us regularly is helping him transition from homelessness to a more settled life. He is thinking about getting himself a one bedroom flat and going back to work.


Photo below is of an Oblong Lunch Club – please note the people in the picture are NOT the people featuring in the stories above.

three men sitting round a table at Oblong's Lunch club

Voluntary Action Leeds

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