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Mental Health and Well-being


Resources for dealing with mental health and building personal resilience


Mental Health Services

Talking Therapies

Refer yourself to NHS Talking Therapies to get support with anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns.

There’s a range of therapy styles including one-to-one in person, over the phone, in a group, or as an online course.


Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will make sure they are there to listen and talk to you. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Healthy Minds

Take this quiz telling Healthy Minds how you feel and the Digital Wellbeing Assistant will help you find helpful apps, self-help guides, and support services near you.


Get informed about a wide range of mental health conditions through Mind’s information pages.

You can find information on your diagnosis and treatment, and learn where to go for support.


Healthier Together

A new online resource that provides professional health advice and support for children and young people.

Find clinical resources and useful medical advice and support.

Humans Being

A service that offers workshops, groups, and courses for marginalised and under-served people to improve their mental well-being and gender equality.


A comprehensive resource for mental health information and support for adults in Leeds, including GPs, employers and other professionals.

It provides quick and easy access to up-to-date information, resources, and support.

Young Minds

Complete with real-life stories and created side-by-side with young people, Young Minds provides practical tips and advice, as well as information on getting the support you need. 

Living Well 

Make healthier living choices.

Find information, advice, and support to create an environment that encourages and empowers people in Bradford to eat well, move more and maintain good mental wellbeing

Wellbeing practices

Here are some well-being practices you could incorporate into your daily life and more resources to support your well-being.


🍇 Healthy lifestyle.

  • Live Well NHS advice about healthy living, eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking, and drinking less alcohol.
  • Exercise and outdoor activities – A list of group walks, trips, and outdoor and exercise activities around Leeds.
  • Self-care Learn about self-care and dealing with worries with Better Help.
  • Sleep better
  • Quit smoking Download the free NHS Quit Smoking app.

🧘🏻 Be present. 

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Give to others.

🌳 Connect with nature and the great outdoors. 

☎️ Connect with people. 

🥰 Be kind to yourself. 

🎼 Learn a new skill.


For more tips on building mental resilience, watch A-Z of Mental Health Coping Strategies.

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