Making my voice heard and count in Leeds
You could get involved with a relevant Network & Forum
There are many groups and networks in Leeds which aim to support and represent different communities in Leeds, in particular the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector to try ensure their views are reflected in decision making in Leeds.
Bringing people and organisations together that have a common interest helps the third sector have ‘voice and influence’ in Leeds through collaboration.
Find out more about the networks and forums that Voluntary Action Leeds helps run and get involved.
You could attend an event
There are always events taking place in and around Leeds that are put on by voluntary groups who would welcome your involvement and encourage you to share what you have to say.
Events can be a great place to meet people and get to know more about the thriving third sector in Leeds. At the moment, because of coronavirus, many face to face events have been cancelled or postponed, but many have been rearranged to take place online – so why not join one of these?
You can find events listings in the ‘What’s happening’ part of the website.
You could get in touch with VAL
If you feel you or your community is not being heard in Leeds you can always get in touch with us.
We are here to support people and small groups in Leeds and we will always listen and help amplify those voices and experiences which all too often are overlooked or under represented.
So if you have something to say to Leeds, as a first step, you can say it to us.