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Police Race Action Plan

  • The Culturally Diverse Hub facilitated a number of community conversations between communities in Chapeltown and police officers, to discuss and give feedback on the Police Race Action Plan in West Yorkshire.
  • Communities told us they needed the police to acknowledge the unfair way Black people in Chapeltown had been policed. The Culturally Diverse Hub organised a reconciliation event in Chapeltown with Chief Constable John Robins and other senior police officers.
  • West Yorkshire Police committed to giving the Culturally Diverse Hub regular updates on progress with the action plan, which we share through our bulletin.

The latest update from West Yorkshire Police on the Police Race Action Plan is available here.



Shifting Perspectives

The Hub recently supported Leeds Arts Galleries project ‘Shifting Perspectives’, which explores representations of people of African, Caribbean and Asian heritage in the Gallery’s collection, with art dating from the seventeenth century to the present day.

It examined how people were stereotyped, othered, and unequal power relations normalised. The exhibition centred discussion, with a conversation table and comment cards displayed. Visitor comments included:

  • “Insightful and frank exhibition. Love the community voices and not just the gallery’s perspective. Feels like it could be a permanent fixture of the gallery.”
  • “Amazing- we need so much more of this art. It is relevant – on point and guides one to think of their own historical perspectives. This is the first time my son has identified in a real way with art. He said: ‘He looks like me, same hair. This is what my ancestors looked like’. He’s 9 years old. Thank you for this installation.”
  • “This is liberating. It shines a big bright spotlight on those who were shared into the shadows. Bring them back to life, let us celebrate them and not ignore but acknowledge the past. Our past. Everyone’s past.”


Race Equality Progress Report

The Culturally Diverse Hub holds an annual event, inviting wider partners from across the city to update members on work happening to challenge racism. This year, we heard from;

  • Councillor Sharon Burke on the importance of lived experience in achieving equity
  • Jhardine Farrell from Leeds for Learning on the differences in attainment and achievement for children and young people from different cultural backgrounds in Leeds
  • Delvina Saunders from Synergi on the programme of work to tackle inequalities in mental health support for culturally diverse communities
  • CI Darren Beech on progress on the Police Race Action Plan, including reviewing body-worn camera footage of stop and search activity and implementing ‘Care Principles’

The written report following this event will be available here shortly.


Join us at the Culturally Diverse Hub as we collaborate with organisations and communities to challenge racism, amplify voices, and drive meaningful change in Leeds.

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