The recent documents TSL has produced are available to view and download from this page.These will give you a good idea of what TSL is working on and some of the key issues facing third sector organisations in Leeds.
Round ups
A Round Up report is published after each TSL Leadership Group meeting summarising the key issues that have been discussed and how TSL plans to take things forward. The Round Up gives you an overview of what the issue is and action you can take to help the third sector respond.
Event reports
After every event that it runs TSL produces a report that provides an overview of information shared by keynote speakers, a summary of roundtable discussions and recommendations for next steps.
Reports, briefs, consultation responses and statements
As well as regular Round Up and Event Reports, TSL produces a range of other documents which help explain what’s happening, set out what we want to happen, or influence the direction the city takes:
- Statements set out in simple terms how TSL will play its part in tackling an issue
- Reports are longer documents (often with a shorter summary) that sum up research that we’ve undertaken and make recommendations
- Briefs aim to help our members plan for tackling an issue or specific challenge. They generally describe the challenge (based on our research) and then suggest tips for organisations to develop their practice
- TSL often responds to public consultations, making the case for the third sector and saying how we think things need to change.