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The Young Lives Leeds Logo, a green floret with large Y made of stripes filling the centre

Supporting the third sector to improve the lives of children, young people and families in Leeds

Who we are and what we do

Young Lives Leeds Forum is the strategic forum for Third Sector organisations working to improve the lives of children, young people and their families in Leeds. We work to support the vision for Leeds to be a Child Friendly city and the best city for children and young people to grow up in.

We do this by giving organisations the voice, information and advice they need to be involved in the development of better services for children, young people and families.

Young Lives Leeds offers access to:

  • Support and development opportunities for your organisation
  • Opportunities to be involved in discussions and decisions that help shape policy
  • Updates on key developments within children’s services in the city
  • Events and workshops


How we work

Young Lives Leeds Forum meetings take place every two months and are an opportunity for members to come together to discuss current issues and how the sector can respond. Meetings enable members to make links with other organisations across the city that may be able to support the children and families they work with.

Young Lives Leeds works closely with key partners including Leeds City Council to make sure the views of our members are represented in decision making. We do this through our advocate structure, where we appoint representatives to key boards in the city.

Young Lives Leeds advocates are able to represent the views of the sector giving us the opportunity to impact upon local issues and policies that affect children and young people.

If you would like more information you can download an infographic showing who we are and what we do in more detail below.

Young Lives Leeds Infographic

Sound like something you should be a part of? Get in touch!

If you would like your organisation to become a member, want more information, or wish to attend a forum meeting – contact Ann Crossland, Project Worker, on 0113 297 7920 or email

Young Lives Leeds Bulletin

Sign up to the mailing list to be kept up-to-date

Young Lives Leeds provides information relevant to third sector children and young people’s services through a regular email bulletin, keeping members informed about policy, training, funding and networking opportunities.

Sign up to the ebulletin using the link below and select ‘Working with Children and Young People’ which is second on the list. You can read the latest bulletin here.

This mailing list is managed by Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL) so you may also wish to subscribe to some of the other categories of interests which are listed.

Documents you can Download

Young Lives Leeds Manifesto (PDF, 147 KB)

A summary of Young Lives Leeds priorities for 2024


Young Lives Leeds Small Groups Offer May 2023 (PDF, 140 KB)

Young Lives Leeds offer to small groups working with children, families and young people.


Terms of Reference (PDF, 45 KB)

Latest version of Young Lives Leeds terms of reference


Young Lives Leeds Infographic (PDF, 578 KB)

An infographic showing who we are and what we do.


Young Lives Leeds Care Collaborative Terms of Reference (PDF, 81 KB)

Terms of Reference for the Young Lives Leeds Care Collaborative. A network of organisations working together To ensure that all third sector organisations who work with care experienced children and young people, organisations working with kinship carers and those organisations working with children & young people at risk of entering the care system work together to improve their lives and support them to achieve their aspirations.


Leeds Third Sector Safeguarding Group Terms of Reference (PDF, 85 KB)

Leeds TSSG works to ensure that all Third Sector organisations who work with children and young people in Leeds understand their obligations to keeping children and young people safe. To share best practice across the sector, to inform the work of the LSCP from the Third Sector perspective and to disseminate messages from the LSCP across the sector.

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