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Housing Support Fund Leeds

Added: 22/12/2022

Forum Central

Forum Central launches grants to support individuals in hardship over winter.

The Household Support Fund (HSF) is a Central Government fund, provided to Local Authorities to support individual households with access to food and fuel over the winter period. A priority of this fund will be to support people with fuel and fuel costs. For example, fuel meter top-up cards and payments or the provision of energy efficient equipment.

Alongside Leeds Community Anchor Network and Leeds Food Aid Network, Forum Central will be distributing a proportion of this funding to third sector partners to enable this support to reach those most vulnerable.

Grants of up to £1,000 and £5,000 will be administered by Forum Central, and distributed to organisations who support Communities of Interest including cultural diversity, people with mental health difficulties (including Young People), learning disabilities, physical and sensory impairment and older people.

In order to work quickly, a rolling grant programme will be available. We welcome applications from Friday 16 December 2022.

Further information about the fun can be found here.

Please use this online form where possible.

The fund will close when the available funds are allocated.

Forum Central

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