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Leeds Autism AIM’s COVID-19 Toolkit

Added: 06/05/2020


It was produced by the AIM staff team, the majority of whom are autistic themselves. To see the toolkit in full, please go to this link: For any questions about the toolkit, please email the AIM team at

Advonet’s Leeds Autism AIM project has made a toolkit for autistic adults and professionals to help them manage during the crisis

Leeds Autism AIM, a free advocacy, information and signposting, mentoring and peer support service that is part of Advonet, have put together an online toolkit for autistic adults and professionals who work with autistic adults.

The toolkit includes:

  • Daily, weekly and monthly planners
  • A daily meal planner and self-care planner
  • A COVID-19 autism alert card
  • A mental health profile
  • An information guide for professionals and volunteers working with autistic adults during the crisis
  • Information guides on areas such as online mental health support, healthcare service changes and supermarket opening times
  • Links to blog posts from the AIM team on the COVID-19 crisis and how they have experienced it as autistic people


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