Survey exploring thoughts on the COVID-19 vaccine within BAME communities
Added: 04/03/2022
University of Bedfordshire
Are you from a Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, black Caribbean, black African or mixed heritage ethnic/community background?
If so, you are invited to take part in a research study which is exploring the views and experiences of COVID-19 in our local community to help us tackle health inequalities. This study is being led by Jaipreet Chana, an MSc Health Psychology student from the School of Psychology at the University of Bedfordshire. This is a non-profit study. If you have any questions, please email at
This survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. You will be presented with a number of questions which we would like you to read carefully and answer as honestly as you can. Before you take part, you will be asked to read and complete a consent form and provide a memorable code name so that we can identify you without revealing personal data.
Examples of the questions are:
- “I have received my COVID-19 vaccinations (Select either dose 1, dose 2, dose 3 or none)”,
- “I am worried about the likelihood of getting COVID-19 (strongly disagree – strongly agree)”,
- “I will be very sick if I get COVID-19 (strongly disagree – strongly agree)”,
- “I am completely confident that vaccines are safe (Strongly disagree – strongly agree)”,
- “The main clinical symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, dry cough and muscle pains (true, false or I don’t know)”.
Please remember, your participation is entirely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time. This means that you are not required to take part in this study unless you are comfortable in doing so. You are also free to omit any question. You can do this by emailing either myself or my supervisor via email. My supervisor’s email is:
Questions regarding aspects of the study can be asked before, during or after the study has been conducted. This includes queries such as withdrawing and requesting the relevant data. Any data that is collected throughout the study will remain anonymous such as personal details and answers from the questionnaires. Data will remain on my, the students, personal laptop and will only be accessed by myself and the supervisor. Once the study has been completed and the results are published, the data collected from the study will be destroyed.
This is the link for the study if you wish to take part: