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TSL Practice Brief: Identifying and responding to race microaggressions in the third sector

Added: 24/05/2021

Third Sector Leeds

This brief from Third Sector Leeds in partnership with Leeds BME Hub* seeks to address some issues highlighted in the recent report by Voice 4 Change and ACEVO’s June 2020 report Home Truths: Undoing Racism and Delivering Real Diversity in the Charity Sector.

Surveyed third sector workers from diverse communities noted that amongst other issues, they faced workplace discrimination exhibited through microaggressions.

Microaggressions can sometimes be unintentional, people sometimes are unaware of the harm they are causing and  consequently it may be  challenging to recognise. This brief will discuss and give tips on how to identify and respond to microaggression incidents in the workplace.

Third Sector Leeds believes that all third sector organisations need to ensure that they place themselves at the leading edge of anti-racism in their work with communities, whilst also creating a workplace that is diverse and inclusive for all.

This document seeks to enable third sector organisations and people working in the third sector to begin to recognise ‘microaggressions’ when they occur and gives some pointers on ways to address them. At Third Sector Leeds we know that work around microaggression is only a part of a wider approach to creating a more diverse and inclusive third sector.

Read the brief here – Microaggressions practice brief – Final

* The BME Hub is currently discussing a permanent name change and is using the term Culturally Diverse Hub until a final decision is made.

Third Sector Leeds

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