TSL Social Value Roundtable
Added: 21/06/2024
Voluntary Action Leeds
On 17 June, Third Sector Leeds held a roundtable event with senior leaders in Leeds to discuss the opportunities and challenges in working together differently to achieve more around social value. The roundtable included three workshops to address different aspects of what we recognise as ‘social value activity’:
- Leveraging in more investment for communities
- Effectively matching or ‘brokering’ skills sharing between private and public sector organisations, and communities and third sector
- Making the most of social value opportunities within contracting
Summary of actions and agreements
There was a clear need identified independently at each of the three workshops for a time-limited working group to look at the following:
- Investment – a group to look at funding the infrastructure for organisations to work together to secure and manage investment
- Brokerage – a group to create a clear, costed brief for a future model for brokerage across the city
- Commissioning – a group to look at social value within contracting to develop a consistent approach through:
- Sharing learning from current practice
- Agreeing some Leeds-specific TOMs (themes, outcomes and measures) that we all use
- Creating a social value provider list for informal, low-cost purchases