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State of the Third Sector in Leeds

The latest State of the Third Sector in Leeds report is sponsored by TSL, co-funded and co-produced by Forum Central and Voluntary Action Leeds and prepared by Nifty Sustainability CIC.

Building on previous research in 2020 this report gives an insight into the reach, scale and diversity of the third sector of Leeds. It also highlights the sector’s strengths and some of the current challenges it faces. It demonstrates that in its diversity and range of services, the third sector continues to play a vital role in our city’s communities and ecosystem.

The report shows much to celebrate: a sizable Third Sector working across important areas of work with diverse beneficiary groups. However, it also shows a picture of a sector – which like our public and health sector partners – is under significant stress. 

Between 2020 and 2022, the sector has experienced a:

  • 10% drop in the number of registered (charitable) organisations
  • 25% drop in the number of volunteers reported to the charity commission
  • 34% drop in the paid workforce

For further findings, view the infographic and read the full report, which includes:

  • Executive summary
  • Approach and methodology
  • What has changed and why it matters relating to:
    • The composition of the Sector, its overall size, the number and size of organisations, and the income it generates
    • Communities, beneficiary groups, and areas of work
    • Funding and finance
    • People working and volunteering in the Sector

Alongside the report, TSL has released a response which highlights key learnings.

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