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Urban Tree Challenge Fund

Funding for public bodies, community groups, charities, individuals, to support the planting and est...

Added: 21/05/2020

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Coronavirus Community Support Fund opens tomorrow

£200 million Government funding for small to medium sized organisations to increase community suppo...

Added: 21/05/2020

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TSL News- Coronavirus updates from Leeds City Council

TSL shares some recent Leeds City Council coronavirus updates including: national testing, further i...

Added: 21/05/2020

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Keeping Neurodivergent People Connected in Leeds

Advonet and Specialist Autism Services are running a new short-term service to keep neurodivergent p...

Added: 21/05/2020

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The Impact of COVID-19 on the Third Sector in Leeds

During the COVID-19 emergency, Leeds has been widely recognised as having responded rapidly and flex...

Added: 21/05/2020

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Coronavirus key messages for Leeds residents

Leeds City Council has recently produced this coronavirus key message graphic for Leeds residents. #...

Added: 21/05/2020

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Socially Connected Leeds: Work-life balance during Covid 19

This post is part of a series of blogs sharing good news stories, positive practice and the range of...

Added: 20/05/2020

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Clinks Covid-19 Grants – Supporting People in the Criminal Justice System

Grants £3,000-£5,000 (although can fund up to £20,000) to voluntary organisations providing suppo...

Added: 20/05/2020

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Independent Age Grants Fund Open

Grants up to £15,000 for registered charities reaching older people most likely to be missing out â...

Added: 19/05/2020

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