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Bramley Baths Staff Walk/Run 500km

Staff at Bramley Baths are walking and running 500km to raise much-needed money to support their com...

Added: 11/05/2020

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Socially Connected Leeds: From Deficits to Assets

This post is part of a series of blogs sharing good news stories, positive practice and the range of...

Added: 11/05/2020

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Third Sector Leeds weekly update for organisations

Read the new report form the Digital, Culture, Media & Sport Committee; Make sure you register for t...

Added: 10/05/2020

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Autism and COVID-19: Your experience and how West Yorkshire Police can help

Leeds Autism AIM have a survey out for autistic people to share their experience of the lockdown and...

Added: 07/05/2020

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Become a foster carer in Leeds and change a child’s life forever

Leeds City Council are urgently seeking exceptional people to help change a child’s life forever, ...

Added: 07/05/2020

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The Swimathon Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund

Grants of £250 to £1,000 to small swimming and aquatic organisations experiencing short-term finan...

Added: 07/05/2020

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New Telephone Befriending Service

Feel Good Factor now providing a telephone befriending service to support people over the age of 50 ...

Added: 07/05/2020

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Free NCVO webinar: What do you need to do if you are involving volunteers in your response to coronavirus?

This webinar will bring you up to date on common volunteering roles, key safeguarding principles and...

Added: 07/05/2020

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Leeds Autism AIM’s COVID-19 Toolkit

Advonet's Leeds Autism AIM project has made a toolkit for autistic adults and professionals to help ...

Added: 06/05/2020

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