Support your community by volunteering your time and skills
Volunteering can be a life-changing experience, for the people that volunteers help and for you – the volunteer! There’s an opportunity to suit everyone and the Volunteer Centre Leeds team can support you into the right opportunity – particularly if you need a little extra help.
Volunteer Centre Leeds (a project of VAL) and has partnered with Be Collective to bring a dedicated Volunteer Platform to Leeds to help connect more people with meaningful volunteer opportunities. It’s packed with great features for volunteers, like creating a profile and collecting skills gained on a social CV you can download.
Learn About Volunteering
Find out about volunteering in Leeds and how to get started
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Volunteer Centre Leeds
Volunteer Centre Leeds is a hub with a location in Leeds which supports people into volunteering. It helps individuals find suitable opportunities and provides advice and support to organisations to set up and manage a volunteering programme.
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Employer Supported Volunteering
Employee Supported Volunteering, also known as ESV is a scheme which enables people to volunteer with support from their employer. This may be in the form of time off for individual volunteering, team challenge events or an ongoing arrangement with a community partner.
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Skill Share
This brand new initiative helps those who would like to share their skills and expertise with charities and third sector organisation find the right match. Similarly third sector organisations needing highly skilled individuals can find their match too. It’s a win win.
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